Some of our CSI Partners

Kids Haven Logo
Fanaka Foundation
maharishi logo 2024
Reach For a Dream Foundation
Smile Foundation NPO

Provisions for Empowerment and CSI


Empowerment objectives

  1. To eliminate all forms of unfair discrimination in the workplace, which are based on race, gender, sex, pregnancy, marital status, ethnic or social origin, colour, sexual orientation, age, disability, religion, conscience, belief, culture, language and birth.
  2. To redress any imbalances and injustices created by the policies and practices of unfair discrimination.
  3. All employees to have equal access to employment, in order to ensure that equality becomes the guiding principle in the treatment of all employees.
  4. To strive to ensure proper representation in the composition of staff structure, and all other structures which reflect the demographics of employees at 3G Mobile, within the broader context of the South African population.
  5. To strive to ensure that suitable qualified employees from designated groups have access to enhanced training and education opportunities within the business.

Corporate Social Investment (CSI)

  1. Living our Vision and Values in all undertakings.
  2. Empowering our executive management and staff to make a difference in their communities; and
  3. Protecting the environment as a responsible member of the global community
  4. As a responsible South African institution committed to the country and its people, we recognize the importance of giving back to the individuals, entities and communities that have contributed to our success.
  5. Providing support through a wide range of charitable and community causes requires more than money. 3G Mobile’s CSI activities are deeply rooted in the values of our senior management and carried out in the hearts and willing hands of associates in our company. The support that we provide is wide ranging, with a deliberate focus on female and youth (education related) and social and community undertakings. Our strength and capacity within this domain enable us to make a greater difference to the lives of people.
  6. We endeavour to respond to community needs through a generous budget. In addition, we provide support to several non-profit community-based organisations.